Our adult ministries offer men and women

          -  opportunities to worship

          -  grow in Christ 

          -  develop relationships

          -  and serve.

Women's Ministry

"Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain,

but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised." 

Proverbs 31:30


Our purpose:  

To provide a welcoming place for ladies to grow in relationships with one another and the Lord.

First Friday:

Adult ladies of all ages are invited to meet on the first Friday of each month.


The mission of First Friday is to build relationships through studying God's Word together.  This special time is also dedicated to enriching relationships through crafts, food, prayer and discussions.  High School young ladies are welcome with their moms.


AM Fellowship  -  9:30 to 11:30 am

January 4

February 7

March 7

April 4

May 2

June 6


Women of Grace


A group of single women that meet for lunch on scheduled dates.  These ladies have adopted several service projects for the community and church program groups.


Potluck after church on:                                                                                                                                          January 26

                                                              February 23

                                                              March 30

                                                              April 27



1st Saturday

The men of Milan Baptist Church invite you to join them on the first saturday of each month for Bible study, fellowship and lunch in our Ministry Activities Center (MAC) behind the church at 8:00 am.  


It is well attended, uplifting and fun.


All men are welcome, so come and join us !

Men's Barakel Retreat


Each year, the men of Milan Baprist Church spend a weekend at Camp Barakel to hear God's word and participate in camp activities with their fellow Christians.


SeniorLife Community Bible Study & Luncheons were started to provide an opportunity to the seniors in our church and community to join together weekly for Bible Study, Prayer, and Worship through Hymns.  SeniorLife meets on Wednesdays September-November and January-May at 11 a.m. 


Join us on Wednesdays at 11 a.m. in theMAC!

Teens and Adults are welcome to join our Music Ministry at any time!  Those interested can join our Praise Choir or our Orchestra.  September-May we practice on Wednesday evenings and we meet for warm up on Sunday mornings year round.  In addition to providing worship on Sundays, we will also perform at special events.  Our two largest events are the Milan Christmas Pageant and our Sunday Easter Service.  Contact us today to see how you can use your gifts to glorify God!

Praise the Lord !

Praise God in His sanctuary; praise Him in His mighty Heavens !

Praise Him for His mighty deeds; praise Him for His excellent greatness !

.....  Let everything that has breath praise the Lord !

Praise the Lord !

Psalm 150

Library Ministry

We have an outstanding library with over 9,000 Christ-centered books


Doctrinal books



Books for children


Come and have a look.  We think you will go away with a book or two.