Question:   What's the coolest thing about the story of Jesus                                    Christ in the Bible ??


Answer:        It REALLY HAPPENED !!!


Now, let that sink in.


Jesus really did rise from the dead

                    He really is who he said He is: GOD with us

                                                                           What the Bible says is actually TRUE!  


This has huge implications for YOUR LIFE.


          You will be saved by believing in Jesus!

          There really is a Heaven, and YOU can go there!

          You really can have a personal relationship with Jesus!


YOU MUST ACT NOW!  Your very life depends on it!                                                             




Jesus is alive !


He knows who you are !

You can talk to Him !

He hears you !

He is with you always !



"...neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, ... nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord."   Romans 8:38-39 ESV


Jesus came to save YOU 


This is God's free gift to YOU personally


All you need do is accept His gift


Invite Jesus into your life


He will respond !


Thank you God, for your indescribable gift !


"For God so loved the world that He gave His only son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life."  John 3:16 ESV

"Know therefore that the Lord your God is God, the faithful God who keeps covenant and steadfast love with those who love Him and keep His commandments,to a thousand generations, ..."   

Deuteronomy 7:9  ESV

Jesus is GOD !


There is nothing more powerful than God


And He loves you


He wants you to be one of His children


He wants you to be with Him for eternity


He gave you the free will to make a pure decision for Christ


So you can trust that He is on your side


You accept His gift and you ARE saved


How cool is that ?!!

    You can do all things through Jesus



Jesus is active in the world, so you can rely on Him


He will never leave you


His love is unconditional


His gift is free


Your love is all He asks

"And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good..."   

Romans 8:28  ESV

Gather with us


Learn how:


To talk to Jesus through prayer


To study His Word, the Bible


To receive His message through our teaching Sunday service


To help your family in our youth and teen ministries


To serve Him with your personal skills


To love Him and others through His guidance in your life


To build a strong faith life in Jesus Christ

HERE IS HOW to invite Jesus Christ

to come into your life.


Dear Jesus, I know that I am a sinner and need your forgiveness.   I believe that you died in my place and rose from the grave to pay the penalty for my sin. Come into my life as my Savior and cause me to love you and others in a way that pleases you. Thank you for saving me so that I can receive peace and eternal salvation.